The #bOObs Photo Shoots

#bOObs is all about becoming used to seeing women’s chests in their natural state (not Photoshoped or styled), getting to know our own body better and learning how we can detect any signs of breast cancer.

Sharing one’s knowledge, breast cancer journey or personal experience in a friendly, relaxed environment is a key part in learning about ourselves and our options. For this, the #bOObs photo sessions are organized in small groups of at least 3-4 women.

At each #bOObs photo session, we start off with light chit-chat in the sitting room area of my studio. Then, I show the participants a brief video presentation of what breasts are made of, what the signs of breast cancer are, how to do a regular self breast exam and what to do in case you find something out of the ordinary.

This usually sparks conversation between the women and when we organically come to the point of doing the actual photos, each woman is taken into the private studio area, where I photograph her in two poses: a neutral one and an expressive one in which she chooses how to act and interact with her chest.

The #bOObs photo shoots can generate curiosity or be emotional, but they’re always educational in one way or another and they tend to be a lot of fun!

Here’s a sneak peak at a photoshoot.

If you’re thinking about becoming part of the conversation and participating in #bOObs, reach out to me via email: info[@]